Bring Everything Everyday

 The BEE Book is a vinyl notebook that your child will use everyday to develop organizational skills and learn to become responsible for returning items daily.  Second grade continues the foundation built during the past two years, and it is important to teach children how to keep up with communications between home and school.  This book is a way of helping your child be accountable for those communications.  The focus is to eliminate lost notes, newsletters, calendars, and homework as well as keep parents and students informed of important events and academic progress.  Want to know what the "buzz" is in second grade?  Check out your BEE Book every day!  

To make sure each student brings the notebook back to school each day, they will receive a Social Studies grade for having it at school each morning when I check them.  All students will start with 100 points at the first of each semerster, 3 points will be subtracted every time the BEE Book is not with the student when I check them.




Class News

 Weekly Newsletter sent home to keep students and parents informed, spelling words will be sent home as well as homework assignments. 

Any homework sheets will be stapled to the newsletter.

 School Notes

Home/School communications

 Reading Log



Behavior Journal

Please date and sign that you and your child has practiced reading 30 minutes daily (at least 10 minutes of oral reading nightly).  Students can be read to, read with, or read independently; except for the oral reading time. Keep up with this daily, it is important that your child read at home daily.

In this area your child will write about their daily behavior.  If there is a problem your child will write about what they did at that time.  At the end of each day students will write about their overall behavior at the end of the day.  They will also tell you the best thing they did at school that day.  Please discuss the page with your child and sign it daily.

Graded Papers

These can stay home.  I send them home when I grade papers. Please don't expect a lot of graded papers, I have students involved in learning.


Put lunch money, fund raiser money, picture money in this baggie and send to school.

Learning Log

Students keep a daily learning log that they will take a few minutes  to reflect on activities we do.  Please take some time to go over it with your child each day.  It will help students remember what they did, and they can tell you about it.